Noreen asked me to make a clam helmet/hat for her rendition of the elite mermaid.
I love Giant clams they are so beautiful! I used to love taking care of them when I work in the pet/salt water pet industry. Also there is some great work being done to help there numbers in the wild as well as helping out the hobbies trade.
I found these 2 sites. (darksidecreations.blogspot.com kattyscosycove.blogspol.com) I am gong to make a small test version of a blend of the 2 concepts and see what I think. I am hoping that a large enough one will be light enough for the kids shoulders.
If the clam works, then next challenge will be figuring out how to get it to site comfortably on his shoulders.
And how to give them the ability to open and close it. I think it will be heavy to have it held with a spring. Maybe a dowel with a stop with a lock to keep it open and secure.